During the late summer of 2023, the MANAUS Board of Directors, key staff and trusted thought partners convened to strategically consider MANAUS’ past and future, and to ask ourselves the same human-centered design questions that we regularly put in front of our project partners. The exercise was at once exhilarating, exhausting and elucidating. This representative and thoughtful group recognized that it was time for MANAUS to run its final test, to bequeath our seat at the table to others and watch as everyone touched by MANAUS to use the skills learned to carry the work forward.

Below is the letter announcing our closing.

March 1, 2024

Dear Friend of MANAUS, 

MANAUS has had an incredible two-decades, piloting 12+ community-led projects, and launching four nonprofits with the fifth on its way. All of this has helped positively impact systems, improve lives and create a more just and equitable community. 

During the late summer of 2023, our Board of Directors, key staff and trusted thought partners got together to strategically consider MANAUS’ past and future and to ask ourselves the same human-centered design questions that we regularly put in front of our project partners. The exercise was at once exhilarating, exhausting and elucidating. On the one hand, we have done so much great work and have created such a fantastic team that it felt like we owed it to everyone to keep going. On the other hand, we recognized that it was time for MANAUS to run its final test, to bequeath our seat at the table to others and watch as everyone touched by MANAUS used the skills learned to carry the work forward.

We made the bittersweet decision that it was time to celebrate what has been accomplished and to make space for other organizations and folks to lead future community efforts. For instance, we can appreciate the impact of the four nonprofits that MANAUS has helped to successfully launch. Valley Settlement launched in 2016 and the organization is doing amazing work leading the early childhood education space towards a more equitable, enriching impact. Mountain Voices Project, launched in 2019, is building civic leaders in the community and helping to hold our public systems accountable. The Savings Collaborative - formerly LaMedichi - made massive growth moves after launching at the end of 2021 and continues on its upward trajectory as it supports community members with opportunities for financial literacy and stability. The Third Street Center continues to be a critical professional and cultural hub, housing nonprofits, artists and the community alike since its launch in 2010.  

This summer, we’ll begin winding down our daily work, which means bringing some projects to a conclusion and spinning off other projects to stand on their own. We’re helping all of our awesome staff find their next opportunity and making sure that they have the time they need to take the next step.

One of MANAUS’ current projects is its reinstatement of the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation (RFCDC) and the preservation of the 3-Mile Mobile Home Park in Glenwood Springs. MANAUS intends to spin-off the RFCDC and set it up for success to operate independently, similar to its other incubated nonprofits. To facilitate the move, MANAUS will provide a final round of operational grant funding to the RFCDC and assist in the assembly of a skilled and dedicated board of directors to guide it through this transition and the successful completion of the resident ownership project.

Housed within MANAUS since 2017, the Confluence Early Childhood Education (CECE) Coalition project is actively pursuing a transition plan to continue its collaborative work to improve access to early care and education for all members of the Parachute to Aspen region. As CECE Coalition members, we know you are committed to continuing this critical work and we'll do everything we can to make sure CECE finds a great new home.

We have two decades worth of great stories to tell so we’re planning to honor that work by highlighting our successes on our website, and also creating a highlight reel that we will share during a big in-person Human/Equity Centered Design workshop and celebration in the fall that will be our last official event at TACAW.

Writing this final chapter of MANAUS is a poignantly bittersweet opportunity for me. This has been the most impactful, challenging and enjoyable period of my professional life, I’m proud of what this small but mighty team accomplished during a global pandemic no less, and I am optimistic for the future of our slice of Colorado thanks to all of the partners like you who continue to fight the good fight alongside those most impacted by the results. It has been a distinct privilege to lead this important organization through its final years and with a board I feel incredibly lucky to have worked with and for. Their vision and leadership allowed all of us to do some incredible things including this final chapter. We hope that this decision will also help to make space for other innovative ideas and efforts moving forward. It is rare that one gets the chance to plan an exit with such consideration and care and I’m grateful that MANAUS is going out on a high note.

With deep gratitude and in solidarity,

Sydney Schalit and the Board and Team of MANAUS